Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lead Me

Hi Blogger!

Hello! I thought I will never write on your wall again and planning to leave you hanging for good but unfortunately you didn't allow this things to happen to us. I am here once again and talking to my imaginary friend named Blogger! LOL. Funny isn't it? I am only here if I have something that I need to burst out coz I am afraid that no one will understand me.

As of this moment I am now dancing with myself. I ain't asking anyone decision or belief cos everything that I am doing is all because of my undying love to someone and all I need is a deep Understanding. I heard before someone talked like this, " God will give what do you long for life but it will not going the way you wanted. Of course we like the easiest way ayt?? He will give it unto you but in the way that you have to learn something and appreciate the things that He did. It maybe full of tears at the start but just look forward because happiness will follow". I was watching movie that time in my laptop and there were my roommates chitchatting and talking about Him. I didn't join the conversation but still He let me hear those words for me to stop asking "Why". From that moment on, it enlighten my mind.

This is the first time that I feel so very very exhausted. Tired of being alone though I still have a little bit of energy that keeps me being controlled, constrained and compressed but I know one day I'll give up. I don't know when but soon. This is the reason why I made a tough decision. Learn to let go because not all things that come in my way are meant for me. I am not discouraged or dismayed because I believed He has a great plan just like anyone. Believing that this journey has a Happy Ending and He'll carry me into my purpose while revealing my so called Destiny.

Philippians 1:6, “I am confident of this, He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Keeping Optimistic....

We'll be together again baby.

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--