Monday, September 6, 2010

Where Are You Now (female version)

Hi Blogger,

I have a favorite song that I'd like to share with you. Somehow it makes me feel relax everytime I hear this song. I wish someone out there will play this with a guitar. Lol. Please read the lyrics and watch the video below:

To my favorite teacher
Who told me, "never give up."
To my fifth grade crush
Who I thought I really loved
To the girls I miss
And the guys we kissed
Where are you now?
To my ex-bestfriends
Don't know how we grew apart
To my favorite bands
And sing-alongs in my car
To the face I see in my memories
Where are you now?

Where are you now?
Cause I'm thinking of you
You showed me how
How to live like I do
If it wasn't for you
I would never be who I am

To my first boyfriend
I thought for sure was the one
To my last boyfriend
Sorry that I screwed it up
To the ones I loved
But didn't show it enough
Where are you now?

Where are you now?
Cause I'm thinking of you
You showed me how
How to live like I do
If it wasn't for you
I would never be who I am

I know we'll never see those days again
And things will never be that way again
But that's just how it goes
People change but I know I won't forget you

To the ones who cared
And who were there from the start
To the love that left
And took a piece of my heart
To the few who'd swear,
"I'd never go anywhere"
Where are you now?

Where are you now?
Cause I'm thinking of you
You showed me how
How to live like I do
If it wasn't for you
I would never be who I am
If it wasn't for you
I would never be who I am
If it wasn't for you I'd be nothing
Where are you now?

Thanks for hanging with me Blogger! Good Night and Sweetdreams:)

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--