Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Love My Fon

Hi Blogger,

I feel so sad and depressed today! Damn!!! Why? Its because my ever dearest phone is not working. Huhuhu. I do love it because it's my first birthday gift to myself. I bought it last year and I sacrificed my whole salary for that month just to buy it. Look now.. its useless. Whahuhuhu!!!!

This phone has tremendous sentimental value to me. I treat my phone just like a woman for some reasons. I bought her for sentimental reasons as well. Though some of my ex-lovers gave me phones before but I love my own. I know I was so careless in handling and treating her and I blame myself for ruining my only mine. She's turning 1 year old next month hopefully. Too bad that I need to bring her to a doctor before her birthday comes. Im so sorry.

Don't worry my Fon, I'll find a way to fix u. I'm going to miss you. Just give me enough time. You and I will celebrate our birthdays next month. Promise.

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--