Monday, July 26, 2010

Does Happy Ending Exist?

Hi Blogger,

It's past 1 o'clock in the morning here in my place and yet I don't want to go to my bed without writing what's on my mind right now. Just done watching the last episode of South of Nowhere. It's a nice TV series. Dramatic, full of surprises and it inspires the young hearts who'd like to fall in love.

I always like stories that has a happy ending. Well, I think everybody does. Even a little kid loves to listen a fairy tales. Without thinking of the pain and sacrifices that Cinderella or Snow white had been through before they live happily ever after with their man that they had chosen.

Blogger, Do happy ending really exist? If you will ask my opinion, I would say, Happy Ending is only for fool. Fool people who don't wanted to wake up in reality. We live in pain. For in pain we grow and we understand the meaning of life.

Eventually, my perspective is only based on what I had been through. I've been living 26 years on this earth and yet none of those are my happy ending. I woke up. People change. And they say that the only permanent in this world is "Change". So why would I expect for a happy ending when in fact I feel unsecured? That anytime the person whom I am expecting to stay with me will be gone.

Maybe there is a happy moment but No happy ending. Blogger, I will appreciate to hear what's on your mind too. Take care.

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--