Monday, September 12, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hot Video!

Hello Blogger!

Watch this.

RADIORGASM-Mocha Blog by hartmaster2006

By the way, Kat Alano is pretty cool! Kudos to Mocha!

The girl to girl thingy? It's Awesome!

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Anniversary 08/22/11

Happy First Anniversary baby! Your truly a gift from Lord God. Hope to see you 1 month and 1 week from now!


I LOVE U are words just three,
which mean so much on our ANNIVERSARY.
so this is what I want to say,
live in my heart and there 4 ever stay.

Will you marrry me baby?

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--

Friday, August 12, 2011


Hello Blogger!

"You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people." Judith Light

Today, Lets talk bout being Gay, Lesbian or bisexual. It says in the bible that the God created only Man and Woman.

Genesis Chapter 1 verse:
1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Fafah Adam and Mamah Eve

And the Lord commanded them to multiply, be fruitful and replenish the earth. Yes we did as His great creation. But question, what about gays or lesbo? Where we belong? Who made us? LoL. What a funny questions, Isn't it? Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?

Pre, Ang guapo mo, Pakiss.

I am a female homosexual. Proud. I started being like this since 2006 and I was ** years old that time if I am not miscalculating my age. I admired my sexy female teachers way back in high school. Time flies fast, I got serious relationships with different girls and broke up. Currently, I am in love and committed to a woman who makes my life complete and we are about to celebrate our 1 year anniversary 1 week from now. Yeah, happy being like this. I encountered men before who became my ex boyfriends because they didn't bring spark every time I am with them. I tried being straight after the terrible pain before brought by a woman but things don't work. I declared break ups with those poor men who are willing to give me the world, it's all because physically, mentally and emotionally, I always seek for a woman's touch, love and affection.

There's nothing wrong to like or to be in love with the same sex. Nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex either. Who would have thought that I am going to like women. I cant remember that my parents allow me to play toy guns or racing cars when I was a kid, they didn't even bother to buy me one even if I requested to have those stuff. Basically, Every gay and lesbian who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.

Sexy Mamas After...

It wasn't my choice nor asking it to Him. All I wanted is to be happy and feel the contentment that everyone is seeking on this earth and I am glad being part of Third Sex. Not all parents are perfect, not all friends are perfect, not all significant others are perfect, so do I, stop hating and discriminating because we are not all Perfect and we can't change the truth. Instead, show us your understanding and acceptance that life isn't like fairy tales that only Prince and Princess has a happy ending. It's God's plan in fact. Therefore, no explanation should be demanded or asking too much questions regarding our sexuality. It's either you will deal the truth or die with an anger in your heart. Remember, we, as gay or les aren't the loser of this game of life. Any Thoughts?

"Homosexuality is God's way of insuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children." Sam Austin

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gourmet Ranch!

Hello Blogger!!

Let me forget you for a while, Okay? Just very important. All work and no play makes me dull!!

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello Blogger!

"Home is not where you live but where they understand you."

30 minutes to go before midnight and yet Nag-gagala pa utak ko! A lot of thinking this past few days. And it's all about going home! I am expecting to come back home 2 months from now. If God's will! Sana naman powww... Nakakabored na kasi dito. huhuhuh! I miss my family, my friends and most specially my baby. The only one who gives me courage to live into the fullest. There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort and finding shelter from all sorts of storms in life.

As of this moment blogger, I ain't that very much happy. I am happy, yes, 60/100. For having a job. For having a family. For having a loyal, faithful and beautiful wife, but something missing. They are too far away from me. I wish I could hug them in times of my loneliness and trouble. Everybody wants to be happy and avoid suffering. We all want lasting happiness and freedom from suffering and distress.

(I took picture last night while she's asleep)

Below are the rules to remember and live by from Boss Rick (Ewan ko kug sino cya!Makibasa na lng):

1. Keep in touch!
2. Go to bed thinking only happy thoughts.
3. Wake up remembering those happy thoughts!
4. Say NO to projects that won't fit into your time schedule or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is More; often if one's not enough, 2R often 2many.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.
10. Take one day at a time.
11. If something arises over which U have no control; let it go: remember UR not the General Manger of the universe!
12. Have backups; an extra car key in UR wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
13. Enjoy the kid in you!
14. Get enough exercise.
15. Junk the junk food; eat less!
16. Get organized.
17. Everyday, find time to be alone.

Happiness and contentment is a journey, not a destination.

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--

Monday, August 1, 2011

Myx Tripping!

Hello Blogger!

It's a lazy Monday! Whole day that I am just lying here on my bed, chatting with baby and music tripping! Literally Rest Day!. Whooh! Sarap.Lol.

It's the first day of Ramadan and the pubescent Muslim is obligated to do fasting. Children are normally not obligated to fast, as well as the woman who have her bleeding period. Travelers and even pregnant women too are not obliged to do so. I'm a Catholic, I only got this information from my colleague (Thank's to her though at di na me shushunga-shunga dito!).

I am excited to see outside if how's the people around me while the Ramadan is on going. No food. No drink. No cigarettes. No ice cream too? and worst No Sex! Wow! I admire muslim people who obey rules. Two Thumbs up for them! And of course I am in the place where the dominants are the Muslim, I have to respect and obey them as well,cos if not? Sa Presinto na ako Magpapaliwag! Non muslim can only eat inside their houses or in any hidden places where no one can see them. Dubai Police are serious to put you in jail once they caught you violating, even drinking water in public is prohibited! Take note, I'm gonna do it for 1 month! In shalah. Nevertheless, Its no harm to try fasting even once in my lifetime.

Anyway Blogger, proven and tested that my instinct never betrays on me! An instinct is an urge or idea to do something, and that instinct is a natural part of who you are... not something you have to think about much. Instincts can be inborn, or developed through the way you live.

Lately, I am admiring Jessie J . The hitmaker woman who sang the " Price Tag ". I like her voice and the way she carry the song within her heart. I was questioning myself last night if she is a lesbo,without searching her profile in the google. My question got an answer when I heard her music in titled " Do it like a dude ". Now, I therefore conclude that she's also like me. Half woman, Half man! LOl. She rocks!

See? Eversince kumukulo na talaga kagad dugo ko sa mga same-same to me. Lol!

** Cheers!**

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--