Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wrong Move

Hi Blogger,

Hey Dude, whats up? Its been a long time since I shared my last thoughts here huh? Oh yeah, its my bad and my apologize for forgetting you sometimes. Its just that, I am so busy these past few days. Hahaha. What makes me busy? Lol. Just leave it to me okey? Its all about my future that I'm working right now. Hehehe

Anyhow, I do have a question for you. Have you ever tried " falling out of love"? It is impossible to fall out of love. Yes, Love is such a powerful emotion, that once it envelops you it does not depart. True love is eternal. If you think that you were once in love, but fell out of it, then it wasn't love you were in.

I know that love has no limitation to its endurance. No end to its trust. No fading of its hope and it can outlast anything. Yes, and I tried it before when I was deeply in love with a person who's not worthy. She cheated on me a million times. Despite of those circumstances, I controlled my temper not to break her heart. Until one day, I gave up fighting and believing that I can change her.

What is important is I know when to hold on and when to let go! Everything happens for the best. If the person I love doesn't love me back, I'm not afraid to love someone else again, for I'll ever know unless I give it a try. I'll never love a person unless I risk for it. Love strives in hurting. If I don't get hurt, I don't learn how to love. It doesn't hurt all the time. Though the hurting is still there to test me and to help me grow.

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall. You just fall. You cannot finish a book without closing it's chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages.

I thought jumping into a new relationship after a terrible pain is the Cure. I was wrong. I forgot that I have friends, family and work where I can divert my attention instead of finding someone who I think a "Right" person to help me heal the pain before. I make myself believe that she's better than my past because she acts matured. I followed her perceptions because I was so blind believing that she's perfect. Lol.

Blogger, there is no such thing as perfect, lesson learned. As of this moment, I wanna correct all the mistakes I've done before. I wanna start all over again with someone whom I truly love. Someone that I can express myself without any hesitation and fears.

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--