Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hi Blogger,

Life is full of surprises! Lol. First, yesterday my baby showed me how sweet she was through her little gestures but it means a lot to me. Second, finally! I received an email that I've been waiting for!!!! Yeah, I got it after 2 weeks of waiting. I passed!!!Lol. I was thinking that I didn't pass the final interview and I was losing of hope that I could go abroad. Hahaha!!As of this moment, I'm praying so hard that I hope this is now the beginning of my new big opportunities. After a long week of pressures that makes me sick and I gained wrinkles, here I am now, feeling that I am rejuvenated. Thanks Lord! I'm so blessed Blogger. Hehehe.

I believed that jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. This time I feel like I'm matured enough to handle big responsibilities in my life. Going abroad is not an easy way. A lot of adjustment to do and a lot of trials that soon I'll be facing alone. Expect for the worst but always act as Miss Optimistic. This might be the hardest and the most difficult decision in my life but I'm willing to take a risk just to see what's really my purpose living on this earth.

"When all is said and done, you are part of me. That's the way it was meant to be. People are brought together for a reason, everything happens for a reason. I believe the reason that you and me were brought together was because we complete one another. We fill in each other's missing spots with love. And if someday God decides to tear us apart, I trust that there is a reason. Cause if there is a reason for love, there is a reason for life beyond it". Anonymous

Every action has a reaction. Sometimes when we decide, unexpectedly one day It can change your life even if it is for the better or for the worst. It is how we choose to act on what is said that shapes what comes into existence.

Blogger, I know you are happy for me. Thanks Dude! Hehehe, Nothing can compare to the happiness that I do feel today. Muah!!

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--