Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hi Blogger,

Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

Nothing is more difficult than to make a decision by my own will. Blogger, I choose to do an action which I think is right and now I am willing to take the consequences that life could offer to me soon. I broke someone 's heart again unintentionally. I decided to execute the said action for I think its better for everybody. For her, to find someone who could understand her attitude and love her for no hesitation. For myself, to seek my boundless happiness. And for somebody, who's starting opening her heart to me.

Its hard to imagine life without love and love without life. I was in amidst of a relationship of not to long to be undone and too short to be gone. The fact that moving onwards is so hard when the person you love hasn't moved forward. I deeply regret that when the most precious times and moments are just set to remain locked as the memory of a delightful past and developing this feeling of care and loneliness.

Blogger, I have a short story that I wanna share to you. This crumpled my heart and I don't want to experience it someday. Please read below:

One night a girl visited her boyfriend, It was his boyfriend's birthday.
The girl baked a cake for him with a candle in the center.
She light the candle and said " make a wish ".
Siddenly the guy close his eyes and tears started to runnin' down.
When he opened his eyes, the girl asked him...
"What did you wish for?"
and the boy replied,

"FREEDOM from a girl whom I never loved even from the start"..

Isn't it a slap in a face? I don't wanna use that line to someone whom I don't love truly that's why I prefer to keep in silence and find a better exit. Though I understand that her heart now is tainted with pain and sorrow but this is for the better. The pain is not forever. I wanted my freedom from her for I felt like I am a bird in a cage. Alone and no right to decide by my own. I don't wanna end up my life to someone who dominates me all the time.

Its a cruel decision and now I feel I am the only person who is responsible of myself and no one should take it away from me. Have a Good Day Blogger!

--Miss OpTiMisTiC--